Utrikespolitiska förbundet Sverige (UFS)
Did you know that as a member of UPF Lund you are also a member of The Swedish Association of International Affairs (UFS)?
What is UFS?
The UFS is our national umbrella organization that gathers nine member associations around Sweden, with the purpose of spreading knowledge and creating debate about international affairs. The member associations are spread out from Malmö in the south to Umeå up north!
How does UFS work?
The UFS Board consists of a Presidium of five members (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communicator) and one representative from each member association. UFS also has trustee positions and a full time employed administrator.
What is the purpose of UFS?
The purpose of UFS is to support the local member associations and help their development so that they can conduct knowledge-building activities in the area of foreign affairs. The ultimate goal is to spread knowledge about international affairs both on a local and a national level.
What does our UFS Representative do?
Our UFS Representative is a part of both the local board of UPF Lund as well as the national board of UFS. The UFS Representative acts as a link between the two levels and conveys information and opinions from the local level to the national level and vice versa. Are you interested in becoming our next national representative? Keep a lookout for openings every spring before our annual election meeting! Contact lund@ufsverige.org for more information.
Does UFS host events?
Yes! Every year a number of people from UFS get to attend the Almedalen Week, a political festival that gathers approximately 45.000 people. UFS also arranges annual meetings and forum weekends that take place in different cities in Sweden. Moreover, UFS is one of the partners responsible for arranging the Nordic Convention of International Affairs, a collaboration between national student organizations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
How does this affect me as a member?
As a member of UFS, you have the opportunity to get involved with people from all over Sweden, in some projects we also collaborate with other partners internationally! As a member, you have the opportunity to apply for positions or to attend our events! UFS is also a member of LSU which means that you have the chance to get nominated to youth positions within the EU and the UN. If you want to know more about the UFS or get involved yourself, you should check out our website and social media where we continuously post about new exciting projects and opportunities.