Humans of UPF Lund – Signe Davidson

Oct 16, 2017 | Blog

In Humans of UPF Lund, we get to meet the many members of the association – one member every week. This week’s member is Signe Davidson.

Signe Davidson

What do you study?
Development Studies (BIDS)

Where are you from?

What do you do in UPF?
I’m currently active on the Webzine commitee, but would love to get engaged in other parts of UPF as well.

What is your favourite UPF activity?
I enjoy the lectures very much!

Why did you chose to get involved in UPF?
I’m interested in what’s happening around the world, and has always been drawn to a good story. UPF combines those two interests!

Who has been your favourite UPF lecturer?
Cecilia Uddén!

Who would your dream lecturer be, dead or alive?
Kim Jong-un would definitely be interesting

What do you think the biggest threat we have today?
I think climate change is the biggest threat facing us today. It is something that will be an underlying cause to a lot of other threats and problems that will arise, an crucial to deal with!

What’s your favourite spot in Lund?
I love the sunny side of the cathedral on a good day.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
That is very unclear as of now, and hard to make a statement on, but hopefully still drinking coffee!